girl with
book of blank pages
40" x 24"
acrylic on canvas
To this learning disable girl
the school book may as well have blank pages
because she cannot comprehend its
dreary contents.
The words war against her mind with ever
victorious results,
causing her unceasing anxiety and frustration.
Yet, she spontaneously embraces the body
of the book
with acquiescent affection, as a symbol of
her school,
because she likes the teacher and her classmates,
and wants to please her parents by doing well
in school.
In exasperation, she raises the cover to her head
and leans upon it, looking for support,
though its words will not open up to her mind,
nor help her please her parents, teachers
and peers.
So the book still lays passively on her arm,
as though it is comfortable
with her warm acceptance of its physical existence,
but forcing her arm to conform
to its uncomfortable angular shape nonetheless.
Purchase inquiries: nick3paint@gmail.com
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